
What a busy and fantastic first half term the children have had at Nursery.  So many new friends to make and activities to explore.  We have been learning how to share and take-turns with all our resources and how to be independent at Nursery, practising how to put on my own coat, socks and shoes and wash my hands thoroughly.  We have been learning all about ourselves and our families.  We have drawn and painted self-portraits, talked about and drawn people in our family and learnt how to draw a house.  We have enjoyed lots of baking activities, making gingerbread people, apple and blackberry crumble and mini-muffin pizzas through which we have learnt to roll, chop and rub ingredients.  We have explored the sounds of different instruments and a variety of different textures including shaving foam, cornflour gloop and porridge oats.  What a great first half-term!
Partnership with parents is incredibly important to us at Littletown Academy.  In the Nursery this week we loved inviting our families in to play with us at our latest 'Stay and Play' session where our special adults enjoyed a variety of activities with us.
What a busy time the children have had at Nursery over the last few weeks, preparing for Christmas!  We have made orange pomanders with cloves, written letters to Santa which we took to the 'Little Shop of Seasons' in the High Street to post in their Christmas post box, learnt how to draw Christmas trees, been busy baking festive jam tarts and Christmas spiced biscuits and even been practising spreading our own butter on our toast after our Little Explorer sessions!
The Nursery children have had an extremely busy, fun and exciting first half-term!  We started our term making new friends and exploring all the activities and resources.  This term we our topic has been 'Me and my family'.  We have talked about our families and people we love, painted and drawn pictures of them and our homes.  We have even thought about what jobs we would like to do when we are older.  We have enjoyed lots of cooking, which has been much easier with our new sparkly Nursery kitchen, making gingerbread people, apple and blackberry crumble and mini muffin pizzas.  We have loved working together to take on different roles in our home corner, doctor's surgery and even in our building site area outside.  We can't wait for the adventures to come in Nursery next half-term!