Hello Yellow Week

Monday 10th October sees the start of the first of our Mental Wellbeing weeks in 2022.
Tuesday 11th October has been Hello Yellow day, where children and staff have worn yellow and raised £160 for the charity Young Minds by bringing in donations. Throughout the week children have taken part in various activities and assemblies aimed at raising awareness of how and why to look after our mental health. Stickers showing the school Mental Wellbeing logo, designed by one of our Year 6 students in a competition last year, were given out.
Monday 4th October - Friday 8th October 2021 was our first Mental Wellbeing Week of this academic year. 
The whole school rose to the challenge of decorating their classes for wellbeing week, there were some really beautiful and creative displays and activities. The competition to design a logo for mental wellbeing at Littletown has been launched and entries can be put in the box in reception up until 5th November. Bulbs have been planted and we look forward to the yellow flowers blooming in the spring.
We're very pleased to announce that we raised £227.68 by wearing yellow (or bright non-school uniform) on Friday 8th October. This money will be shared between the charity Young Minds and wellbeing in school.