Extended School Services - Breakfast/Afterschool Club

The children in Extended School Services have been making paper mache bowls and dinosaurs.

Please find below a brief description of the childcare provisions we offer: 


  •   We offer a Breakfast club (BC) from 7:50am and serve breakfast until 8:30am should your child/children need it.


  • Our After school club (ASC) runs until 6:00pm where the children will be offered a snack (Friday is special as we also offer a choice of spaghetti/beans on toast or tomato soup with a film).


  • We cater for dietary requirements so there isn’t a need for you to provide this, just let us know which requirements your child has within our registration form.


  • During ASC, we have planned activities and aim to read with as many children as possible each afternoon.


  • Both our clubs run in sessions. BC is one session a day (£5) whereas ASC has three sessions per day which are: until 4:30pm (£5), until 5:15pm (£10) and until 6:00pm (£15). Each session can be paid via Parentpay, or childcare vouchers, (OFSTED number is 137732) prior to your child/children attending.


  • We try to tailor activities and toys to different ages therefore we run our clubs in two settings. Nursery and Reception children are in the Nursery building for both BC and ASC and all other years are in the hall. If your child will be in the main school building for either Breakfast or After School Club, please ring the doorbell on the left. This will directly notify us and not the office.

You can book and pay for your Breakfast and Afterschool Club sessions via ParentPay Clubs.  If your child is in Nursery, Reception or Year 1, from September 2023 you will have the option to book into the Nursery Setting all other year group will have of the option to book into the Hall setting.  Below are some simple step by step instructions to book your sessions:

  1. Sign into your ParentPay Account
  2. Click on book meals and places
  3. Click clubs on the left hand side (if using a phone, click the 3 small line drop down box at the top left hand side and then click clubs)
  4. Choose the relevant club
  5. Click on the calendar to select your sessions.

You can also access all the information you need following this link:


You will be able to book/cancel and amend sessions up until 10.00am on the day for Afterschool Club and the day before for Breakfast Club.  After this time you will need to phone the school office to make any further amendments, any amendments after the cut off time will be charged.   If you want to pay for your ParentPay Clubs using your Child Free Tax Account or Childcare Vouchers this payment must be made to the school.  Prior to making you booking you must email Jenny Rawlins jrawlins@littletown.devon.sch.uk with the breakdown of where you require the funds to be allocated.  On receipt of this email the funds will be credited to the correct areas enabling you to then book the sessions required.

If you have any problems with ParentPay Club please do not hesitate to contact Jenny in the office.